Phrixus The olden days version of

2 wheel update

I have now been able to ride a motorbike for a couple of months. In that time I have probably only covered about 100 miles due to the weather but I can feel my confidence and ability growing each time I go out. The Suzuki Bandit I am riding is fantastic, though this can only be compared to the Honda CB250 I used for myCBT. On the whole, I am comfortable riding the bike and have no problems with it’s performance. I am most likely riding it too slow in fact but I will walk before I run!

Aidy (Whose bike it was originally) has been helping me learn a bit about the bike to. He has kindly shown me the basic maintenance tasks that need to be done, so in effect, we have given it most of a service. We installed new brake pads (Kindly sponsored by Gringod .com!), changed the oil/filter and tensioned the chain. Doing these jobs is great as it helps me get familiar with the technology. At this stage I would need the Haynes manual close at hand for any major repairs but I plan to learn as much as possible about the mechanics. I think this is vital for me as I plan to use the bike for travel much as Aidy did before me. In fact, he has just posted some videos I sent him links for on this subject. If these dont inspire you and give your wanderlust a kick start, I dont know what would!