Phrixus The olden days version of

2008 philosophical outlook

2008 could be a very interesting year for me. It seems that everything that I am involved with is moving towards some kind of junction. If everything that I do has a big change applied, it is likely to shake up a few things here and there. I certainly feel that things are going to be different a year from now. Perhaps it is this uncertainty about the future but I can almost feel my priorities changing. Things I desperately wanted to do a few months ago are slowly descending in the ranks as I modify my needs based on my theories and new ideas are creeping to the surface. Only in writing this is it apparent on how many levels this is true. I don’t wish to give any details on these things as it could be the lack of daylight affecting me but I am certain that things are going to change. I am not going to actively change anything, I will go with the flow and see where it takes me but I am conscious that I need to be careful when making decisions to ensure I follow the right path.That’s enough philosophical babbling, I have more exciting things to write about!