Phrixus The olden days version of


I really like the [World66][1] website and now that it is growing they are adding some nifty new features. Below is the result of a test I took to see what kind of traveller I am. It has to be said that the result was very accurate!


Your travel type: Travel Yup

The Travel Yup likes exotic and adventurous travel, but prefers big cities with fast paced life. He has a keen interest in other cultures and always brings home a few souvenirs.
Shopping in Bangkok, getting a tailor made suite in Kuala Lumpur, that’s the kind of thing the Travel Yup is into. Even though he likes to get away, he prefers his travels to be comfortable. </td>

top destinations:

New York

stay away from:

North Korea
Ciudad Perdida
Darien Gap</td> </tr> </table>

get your own travel profile</div> [1]: