Phrixus The olden days version of

It’s Wicked

I have updated my homepage photo today and I have a reason for announcing it! Apart from the fact its a cool shot of a racing yacht that got stuck on the rocks during last Sunday’s race…. it is also a picture that I edited using the Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Beta 4 software. If you have not seen or tried this software yet, you should give it a go. The features and performance are outstanding and I can see that it will be a fantastic part of my workflow from download-to-print/web when the final product is finally released. As I will be receiving a free licence, I am keen to learn as much about it now as I can because other than the hefty image manipulation I dabble with that would require the full Photoshop app, I would say that Lightroom does 97.5 % of what any photographer needs and it’s very very slick.

Check out the latest release and details of the software on the Adobe Labs Website.